.ORG.NZ Pricing

TLD 1 Year 2 years 3 years 4 years 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years
Sole .ORG.NZ registration $22.00 $44.00 $66.00 $88.00 $110.00 $132.00 $154.00 $176.00 $198.00 $220.00

TLD Details

TLD Registrar-Lock Transfers Edit WHOIS ID Protect Registration Period
.ORG.NZ no yes (EPP) yes no 1-10 years

.ORG.NZ Domains Registration

.ORG.NZ is the country-code TLD extension for New Zealand and it's available for registration for just $22.00 per year at Got Link Hosting. You can register a .ORG.NZ domain for up to 10 years with us. By picking a .ORG.NZ domain name, your website will get significantly better recognition in New Zealand, as sites with country-code TLD extensions generally rank higher in local search engine results.

.ORG.NZ Domain Management with Got Link Hosting

Manage all your .ORG.NZ domains, as well as any other domain names which you might have, from one place without difficulty, taking advantage of our straightforward Domain Manager interface. Available absolutely free with each new domain registration, it provides all the tools that you need to effectively manage your domains, and even more. You're able to easily access all the essential DNS settings, to very easily assign URL redirections, to get unlimited parked domains and also to control multiple domain names at the same time. Truthfully, you're going to be hard-pressed to get yourself a better home for your domain names.

And when you also have a hosting account here, you can manage your domain names as well as your web sites from the very same Control Panel - no supplemental domain or billing management interfaces will be required.