Our Website Installer will help you to create your individual or organization website featuring its exceptional style straight away. Just simply decide on the form of site you want to launch and then select your style from the abundant array of templates and just click on the Install button. Your brand–new site will go online in seconds. Using the log–in data we give you, you will be able to almost instantly upload visuals and place your own textual content with a mouse click. If you ever need help submitting your web site or changing its components, just get in touch with our tech support staff 24/7/365 via your ticket platform.

You will discover the Website Installer inside the Got Link Hosting Control Panel that accompanies every Linux shared web hosting, Linux VPS hosting, Linux semi-dedicated hosting, and Linux dedicated web hosting package on our store.

A Site Installation Tool For All

Develop a brand new web site without having site development abilities

The webpage installer bridges the space among technologically inexperienced end users and difficult web site production and design. Making use of the application, you won’t need to have got any knowledge in CSS or HTML. You will just need to decide how your web site is going to appear like and click on the installation button in the application. That’s all. Next, it’s possible to incorporate unique webpages and add your own personal photographs with only a click of the mouse. No program code to generate, no design to work on. It is all is managed through the easy–to–use application in the backend and is also finished within seconds.

If, for reasons unknown, you are not pleased with what you have come up with, you can always reverse the changes and start from scratch.

Easy-to-use Website Installer

More than 200 Web Templates

More than 200 web–site templates are readily available

We’ve designed over 200 diverse themes that can be used for your personal web sites. Since we haven’t launched these themes outside of our own Control Panel, solely our customers can easily take advantage of them. The themes themselves are meticulously intended to fit a myriad of web sites – from personal blogs and portfolio web sites to e–shops and image galleries.

We are continuously working on releasing new designs at the same time.

200+ Free Templates

Night–and–day Help and Support Service

Contact us for support anytime

Got Link Hosting’s support staff offers an in–depth experience with web hosting and is on duty to help you with any sort of issues you may have working on your websites. Also, we have a complete Commonly Asked Questions library and an array of step–by–step video lessons that address the most frequent topics and issues. We supply a 60–minute resolution time warranty, nevertheless, typically our client support associates can answer within just 30 min’s.

24/7 Support