Anytime you upload a file on a web hosting server, you will need an amount of storage space on the hard disk drive dependent on its particular size. When you run a script-driven website which keeps its information in a database, you will need more space, the more people make use of it. For instance, if you have a discussion forum, the greater amount of comments people write, the bigger the database shall get. E-mail messages, in particular ones with attachments, also require some disk space in the web hosting account. The disk space quota that you get with your shared web hosting supplier is the amount of info you could have at any moment, it includes web site files, e-mail messages as well as databases. Likewise, a home PC has a hdd and the programs installed on it as well as any documents or music files that you create or download require some storage space, which can't exceed the overall capacity of the hard disk drive.

Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting

All our shared web hosting packages were designed with the idea that shortage of hard disk space can't be something that will reduce the growth of your web sites. That's the reason why we've taken an approach which is not the same as the one that most web hosting providers apply - rather than generating a range of accounts using a singlle server and eventually not having enough disk space, we use a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is handled by a whole collection of servers. That's why, we can easily add more machines in case they are needed and more hard disks, to be able to provide more disk space for all the files of our clients. Individual clusters control your e-mail messages as well as your databases, so not only is it possible to increase the size of your websites without worrying about storage space, but also all the servers will function better and faster since every single service does have its space for storing and a single server does not handle various types of files.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With all our semi-dedicated server packages, the hdd capacity attribute is unlimited, so that you are able to center on developing your web sites the way you like and not be worried about hitting a restriction. Unlike countless hosting suppliers that set up your accounts on a single server, we employ an in-house built cloud platform, which enables us to provide truly unlimited hard disk storage for each and every account. With just a single machine, there's a restricted number of hard disk drives which can be used, not mentioning that the most common hosting Control Panels are not made to function with multiple servers at the same time. Our system, on the other hand, includes clusters of servers for the website emails, databases and files, and our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel was designed to work with it. We are able to connect as many servers to all of the clusters as required any time, so the hdd space is virtually unlimited.

Disk Space in VPS Hosting

The hard disk storage that we provide with our virtual private servers differs based on the plan that you select at the time you register. By using a more powerful server, you'll be able to efficiently run several web sites, that means extra content, therefore the higher the VPS plan, the more disk space you'll have available. Switching from one plan to another one takes a couple of mouse-clicks and it doesn't involve any service disruption. Your web site files, databases and emails will share the overall amount of space your server has, yet if you'd rather to use fixed allocations, you are able to pick cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during your ordering process. Both tools will enable you to generate web hosting accounts with limited hard disk storage and when necessary, even to share out space from one account to a different one. Using the third alternative that you'll find on the order page, our Hepsia Control Panel, all domain names will share the storage.

Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting

The minimum HDD space available when you use our dedicated servers is 500 GB. You'll have 2 separate hard disks, 250 gigabytes each, and it will be up to you the way in which you'll use this storage. You may have the drives in RAID, so that your info will be protected as one of the drives will function as a real-time mirror of the other one, or maybe you can make them operate independently, so as to use the overall storage space volume that will be at your disposal. The hard disk space of all of our Linux dedicated web hosting is enough for everything - massive Internet stores, file depository portal, individual archive copy, and many more. We'll never restrain your sites in terms of the storage space they can use. Once that they start expanding, we give you the opportunity to add further hard disks to your current server when required. When you acquire the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel, you will also be able to make a unique account for every single hosted domain and set a specific disk storage space quota for it. With Hepsia all domains will be hosted in a single and they will share the full server storage space.