PhpPgAdmin is a professional, yet user-friendly tool, which will provide you with full control of your PostgreSQL databases. It is much like phpMyAdmin and you're able to use it to edit any content within a PostgreSQL database, to import or export the entire database or only specific cells, rows and tables, and to modify the permissions that a database user has. As phpPgAdmin works with various file formats (CSV, SQL, XML), you can use it to transfer a website from one web hosting service provider to another one and even see the database content using any spreadsheet app on your personal computer. Although there are other applications which you could use online to take care of PostgreSQL databases with web interface as well, phpPgAdmin has become so far the most widely used one because it's easy-to-work-with and features lots of features.

phpPgAdmin in Shared Web Hosting

In case the Linux shared web hosting that you select supports PostgreSQL databases by default or you install them as an upgrade, you'll be able to use phpPgAdmin to manage them. The software tool can be used through the PostgreSQL section of our custom-made Hepsia website hosting Control Panel and it will take just a mouse-click to sign in to each of your databases. This happens instantly in a new tab of your browser, but if you wish to allow access to a database to a third person, you'll be able to give them the login credentials for that specific database and they can use our direct phpPgAdmin login page. In this way, a graphic designer or a company IT person will be able to work on a given site without accessing any other thing inside your shared website hosting account - files, e-mail messages, personal information, etc.

phpPgAdmin in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We supply phpPgAdmin with all our Linux semi-dedicated hosting and you will be able to use it to manage any PostgreSQL database you make through your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Once you make a new database, a phpPgAdmin button will appear next to it, which means that with only a click you're able to sign in to the application and see the content of that specific database. You won't need to enter any username or password provided that you log in through your hosting account, yet if you'd like to log in manually or to provide accessibility to a database to some other individual, you will also have the option to do this. This way, in case you control the account but the company IT person handles the site content, for instance, he'll be able to work on your site without accessing any email messages or other private details.