SMTP, which is an acronym for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the software that allows you to send e-mail messages from your email addresses. Without it, you won't be able to employ e-mail apps or webmail. After you send an email, your SMTP server connects to a DNS server to find out where the e-mails for the recipient domain are taken care of. Following that, it creates a connection to the remote email server and exchanges information. If the recipient mailbox is available, your server transmits the e-mail to the receiving POP/IMAP server and the latter delivers that e-mail to the precise mailbox where the recipient can access it. If you want to send e-mails, it is recommended to ensure that the hosting company offers the service with their packages. Even though you work with an online form that visitors use to make contact with you, you still require an active SMTP server for your hosting account for the web form to work.

SMTP Server in Shared Web Hosting

When you have a shared web hosting package with our company, you will be able to send emails through our SMTP server using virtually any e-mail software as well as any device. The SMTP service is accessible with our packages automatically, and not on demand or maybe as an optional paid upgrade. You can send e-mail messages from anywhere making use of our webmail as well as an email app that you choose. The SMTP server also allows you to make use of contact forms in your web sites by simply incorporating the server name as well as your e-mail in the form code, so you'll not need to do anything whatsoever more complicated than that to get a PHP mail form to operate. You will find the needed SMTP settings inside the Emails section of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel together with thorough help articles for the most well-known desktop and mobile phone mail clients that will allow you to troubleshoot any problem if you aren't able to send out e-mails for reasons unknown.

SMTP Server in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With a semi-dedicated server plan through our company you'll be able to work with our SMTP server in the standard range of services that you get with the package, not as an additional upgrade you need to buy. You will be able to send e-mails using any app, webmail or perhaps a script on your site with ease. The SMTP server configurations are available in your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel and for your convenience we have guides on the way to set up an email account with preferred smartphone and PC e-mail apps. Our guides will allow you to troubleshoot any issue you could encounter since we have the solutions to all the frequent issues as well. In case you have an e-mail script on your website, getting it to function is as easy as entering the server name along with your email. The semi-dedicated servers are created for mailing out regular newsletters to customers as the amount of outbound e-mails is notably higher when compared to the standard shared website hosting plans.