A spam filter is a software app that is installed on a POP3/IMAP email server and keeps track of all incoming messages to hinder any unasked-for ones from reaching a specific inbox. Several examples of such emails would be: offers for pills or cash, fraudulent bank notices or attachments that contain malicious code sent with the intention to damage your computer. Spam filters normally ‘scan’ the content of an email and if they spot some keywords or other dubious content, they either erase the message or forward it to the Spam/Junk folder instead of the Inbox folder. Certain hosting companies mix their own email filters with up-to-the-minute databases from spam-tracing organizations, so as to guarantee higher levels of protection for their clients. Such databases include patterns, mail server IPs and other information about spam emails recently uncovered by these organizations.

Spam Filters in Shared Web Hosting

If you order a shared web hosting package from our company and if you use our email services, you will be able to set up anti-spam protection for any of the email accounts that you set up from the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can select between 5 separate levels of security. In case you start getting spam, you can start with the lowest one and then gradually raise the level till you stop getting spam. We rely on one of the best and most famous email filters out there called SpamAssassin. It examines the header section and the body of each and every message that you get and determines a spam score, based on which it either deletes a given email message or allows it to enter your mailbox. Hepsia will also allow you to activate custom filters and either eliminate unsolicited emails or redirect them to a third-party address like [email protected] where you can check them once more later.

Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you use one of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting, you won’t have to worry about junk messages cramming your mailboxes every now and then, as you can take advantage of the popular SpamAssassin email filter that we offer with each account. Our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel will permit you to activate the filter for any mailbox with several clicks of the mouse and you can choose one of the 5 security levels – from very low to very high. The level can be changed at any moment if, for instance, authentic email messages get blocked, or if unsolicited bulk emails go through and reach your inbox. To take no chances, you can choose all filtered emails to be delivered to a special mailbox like [email protected] and not to be erased. Thus, you can examine them every now and then to make sure that you haven’t missed out on an authentic message.