Data Backups

Your website content could be retrieved at any moment

Not a single website is protected against hacker attacks. Your website may be affected even by unintended web site content deleting on your part. Thanks to our data back–up copy solution, we will easily recover all your website content at any time. Apart from the routine server backups that we are creating, you can yourself create manual backups of all your site content with a simple click of the mouse through the File Manager, which is integrated into your Control Panel. Simply generate an archive of the file(s) you want to manually back up and put it in a location of your liking.

Data Backups

True Cloud Platform

We’ve utilized the newest cloud server technologies when constructing our own hosting system, which is invulnerable to occasional service disruptions and outages. All of the services related to your web site such as DNSs, emails, databases, web apps, etc. are dealt with by different physical servers to ensure that even if there’s an excessive load issue, your website will still be running seamlessly.

True Cloud Platform

Web Hosting Control Panel

Website management rendered simple and easy

Web site control has been now made simpler. Our point ’n’ click Control Panel puts all typical site handling duties at your fingertips. You can upload documents with simple drag ’n’ drop actions, handle all the settings of your domains and web sites from one single place, transfer and register numerous domains, create and manage multiple email box accounts, manage email list campaigns, create MySQL databases, get SSL Certificates to protect your clients, etcetera. Detailed stats will keep you up–to–date with all visits and activities on your sites.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Web Accelerators

The Website Acceleration Tools (Memcached, Node.js and Varnish) located in the web hosting Control Panel, are there to significantly boost your dynamic websites’ speed.

They’re meant to cache the info on your websites and hence minimize the amount of queries to the database server or the application programming interface. This will help all your sites open much quicker than ever before and will help you draw more happy site visitors, which means minimized bounce rates.

Web Accelerators

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9% uptime is guaranteed

At Got Link Hosting, we provide a 99.9 percent uptime warranty. This implies that, come hell or high water, your site will be accessible online and people will be able to visit it. All this is possible by reason of the custom shared web hosting system that we have created. It is based on a considerably modified version of SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux) in order to ensure maximum network uptime for all cloud hosting customers.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

Web Stats

Monitor your site 24x7x365 from your Control Panel

The Control Panel includes an array of thorough web statistic tools that will provide you with detailed info related to your web site. You’ll be able to examine your site’s traffic in more detail and get to know absolutely everything pertaining to your web site visitors – exactly where they come from and what device and web browser they’re utilizing. You will be able to pick between three web statistics tools – the widely used AWStats and Webalizer tools and a brand new full–featured web analytics user interface that we’ve made with your tips and comments in mind.

Web Stats