Admin Services

  • Monitoring & Rebooting
  • Monitoring & Rebooting

  • When you are far too busy working on your site or developing your apps, you scarcely have the time to keep an eye on what’s going on with your server – if it is overloading or whether all the tasks are running just fine. With our Admin Services solution, we will do that for you. Your VPS server will be added to our custom–made server monitoring software system and whenever there is a sign of a trouble, our system administrators will be alerted immediately.

  • Backup Space (50 GB)
  • Weekly Backups

  • Keeping a backup copy of your hosted content is compulsory – you never know when something can go wrong. And having ordered the Admin Services offer, you will take advantage of regular backups of your entire VPS, not just of your content, without you having to set up and configure anything. Furthermore the backup copies will be retained on a server with numerous RAID–configured hard disks. This implies that your data will always be protected, no matter what happens.

  • Installation & Troubleshooting
  • Installation & Troubleshooting

  • While a Virtual Private Server provides you with an almost endless number of options, you will often need to install additional software apps. And that’s where our Installation & Troubleshooting service can comes in real handy. It is an essential part of our Admin Services deal, which entitles you to demand any of our seasoned system administrators to install any kind of software app and to rectify any problem that you’re experiencing with your server.

    The Admin Services deal comes bundled with the majority of our OpenVZ Linux Virtual Private Servers. It’s an optional feature with our KVM Linux Virtual Private Servers.

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