Support Channels

  • 1 hour ticket response time
  • A one hour Inquiry Reply Guarantee

  • Each ticket you submit to our tech assistance crew will be responded to in less than 60 mins. The normal questions shall be replied to as quickly as possible. Nonetheless, if the help request you have posted calls for assistance from an experienced admin technician, we are going to forward the ticket to him and will inform you about the postponement.

  • Top quality support service
  • Expert Technical Support Service

  • We will be online for you 24/7/365 to provide you with advices and technical support and to aid you with any difficulty that you could possibly have whilst organizing your virtual server. We are able to support you with all installed in advance software packages, including your Operating System, server admin panel (in accordance with the VPS type) and the Control Panel designed solely by our developers.

  • Intuitive help center
  • A Descriptive Help Section

  • A thorough and constantly updated article base is included in our in–house built Control Panel. It offers quick tips about how to perform all of the general website administration tasks. The Help zone offers you in–depth how–to content articles and step–by–step video courses. You can access the Help section by clicking on the Help or Video buttons in the top right corner of each Control Panel section.